Retained clients
I work with several clients on a monthly retainer to help with their marketing goals.
The work I do for each of them differs from client to client and month to month but one thing is the same - there is a strategy behind it all and an end goal that we can measure.
A quick overview of what I do for these organisations
Castle Minibus
I have worked with Castle Minibus since 2014 to position them as leaders in their industry and recognised Champions of Minibus Safety.
I support Tacpac's ongoing
communication and business development strategies. Helping them to reach out to new clients and make the most of their existing database.
SWJ Consulting
SWJ needed help making their in-bound marketing strategy a reality - once we'd completed a new website to reposition them as experts in their field.
I am on the CryptoCycle team helping them with marketing and follow-up on any commercial and project opportunities for the Reward4Waste project.
An insight into what I do for these clients you may give an idea as to whether I might be able to help you.
The relationships I have with these businesses, their owners and staff is what makes our partnerships successful: mutual respect, appreciation and understanding.
Castle Minibus
I was initially introduced to Castle Minibus as a 'good person' to look after their social media. With a website audit we looked at making improvements and reining in spending on Google adverts, to spend less money but achieve better results. Over the next 5 years I helped them develop new areas of the business including a range of compliance services. including the UK's only minibus compliance course, which has helped strengthen their position as trusted advisers, open doors to new opportunities and create sizeable additional income, while keeping schools and pupils safer.
On the marketing side we have changed the website to keep up with the changes in the business, lobbied for a change in the law as part of a safety campaign, maintained a PR campaign in the specialist press, an inbound content market strategy and supported all activities across Castle's social media channels.
I am hugely privileged to be working with Castle Minibus and are now looking to move training and services online to better support schools, teachers and governors.
Tacpac is led by an incredible woman who has developed a resource to help those with sensory communication problems. Initially I helped her negotiate away from a website developer who had taken a lot of her money and done an incredibly bad job. Once she was in the hands of a reliable developer and she had successfully moved her offering online I began working with her again on a social and communications strategy, developing a targeted database for more effective communication. ​
SWJ Consulting
I worked with the directors for SWJ in their former employment and wrote and developed a new website for that company. When SWJ started their own company I worked with them on their branding, adapting their existing website and their social media. After 18 months we redid the website, with video imagery, to position them as experts in their field, a consultancy that has delivered large projects for larger clients. I continue to work with them on their inbound content marketing and social media.
Chris Maynard. Managing Director, Castle Minibus
"We contracted Lucy for 6 months because our executive was struggling without the leadership and support. Nothing strategic was happening and we felt the brand had lost its way. Lucy hit the ground running. Once we found a permanent Marketing Manager she assisted in the hand-over and induction process. She remains useful to us to this day with recommendations for the right external help"
Levent Giray, Managing Director. VitrA (UK) Ltd.
What's next?
I have limited capacity for new retained clients but am always happy to talk about what you need and how I might be able to help. Give me a call on 07813 846569, or email, to see if we're a good fit.